As you know, we practice a modern form of Chiropractic called in NSA or Network Care. An incredibly gentle and effective method helps you release core tension patterns in your body, which are stored in and around your spinal column.
This care can help you:
develop healing strategies to empower your life and your body
another way they can help you turn your stress into powerful fuel for inner growth and positive change
help you bounce back from stressful situations that may be affecting your well-being
help inspire you to live the life you are intended to live
Our C L E A R D A Y is February 11th and here are the details:
The clear day consist of three adjustments with me, Dr. Elizabeth Sordyl, and an hour of restorative yoga with Karen Kim, and 12 stages of breathing, it’s the breath work that helps you get on stock and live the life. You’re meant to be living, and an organic lunch.
Our clear day will be held in the office on Saturday, February 11th 9:30am to 3pm.
The price is $250 per person. Please sign up this week with Susana at the front desk.