Finding Calm in a High-Stress World: Understanding Your Body’s Response to Stress

Dear Just Breathe Family,
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel like we’re constantly “running” from something—whether it’s stress at work, personal worries, or simply the demands of daily life. When our brains are in a state of high beta arousal, or “fight or flight,” our bodies often respond as if they’re in constant danger. This response, while meant to protect us, can lead us to feel anxious, overly focused, and, sometimes, even out of control of our own body’s reactions.
Why We Get “Stuck” in High Beta
When your brain is in high beta, it’s wired to be hyper-alert, ready for threats—whether real or imagined. This state, originally meant to keep us safe, can make us feel overly obsessed with certain thoughts, as if we’re endlessly running, fighting, or hiding. This stress response can create a loop of tension in the body, making us feel disconnected and uneasy, as if our minds and bodies aren’t working together as they should.
Breaking Free from the Cycle
The key to breaking free lies in gently guiding our focus. By taking attention off the constant worries or physical sensations and moving toward thoughts of calm and gratitude, we can help our brains become more coherent. Coherence allows our brains and bodies to sync up, promoting a state of peace and stability. This shift can help calm the nervous system and lead to a greater sense of well-being.
Finding Calm in the Storm
Simple practices like deep breathing, mindfulness, or even focusing on the world around you can help “reset” your brain from a high beta state to a calmer one. As you allow your focus to drift away from stress and into the present moment, your body and mind can start working together to bring about a calmer, more balanced state.
**Join Our Free Class Next Wednesday**
If you’d like to explore practical techniques for calming the nervous system, we’re offering a free class next Wednesday, Nov 6th from 3:30p to 4:00p on Respiratory Integration—a specialized breathing technique to help you feel more balanced and at ease. It’s a wonderful opportunity to reset, focus, and discover tools to find calm in the midst of stress.
Please reply to this email or call our office to reserve your spot. We look forward to sharing these techniques with you!
Wishing you peace and calm.
Thank you for all your trust in us,
Dr. E & The Team
Just Breathe Chiropractic Team