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Are you ready to upgrade your vibration?

Happy Monday🥰

Levels of Network Care

Our services are characterized by three levels of care, and each of them building on the one before it. Your spine needs basic strategies to move into immediate and advanced strategies. In these levels, you will learn adaptability, growth and sustainability. As we work through these levels, there is no cap on your well-being and vitality. As this year is progressing and we promise to help you in your journey:

⭐️enhance your adaptability to handle life stresses and challenges

⭐️improve your posture and flexibility

⭐️develop more discernment with what your body needs

⭐️release enormous amounts of tension and stress

⭐️breathe more fully and feel more alive

⭐️discover the relationship between your stress and your symptoms

This weeks hours are the following:

Monday: 1:30-5pm

Tuesday: 12:30pm-3pm

Wednesday: 10-12 noon and 3-5:30pm

Thursday: 1-3pm

Friday: 2-4pm

Saturday: emergencies only


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