Do you have a COUGH?

Hi all, This week we will have office hours in Healdsburg and Los Gatos. Monday: 3-6pm Healdsburg Tuesday: 10-2pm Healdsburg Wednesday: 10-12noon and 3-6pm Healdsburg Thursday: emergencies only Friday: LOS GATOS 12-2 &3-6pm 61a Victory Lane. We want you to know that we are taking every precaution and understanding the CDC and the public health department to keep our clinic safe and clean for you all. 70% of your immune system is in your gut so you must eat healthy, take your anti-oxidants, and supplement with water even more now. Below is my recipe for the elderberry mix to start sipping and enjoying. Elderberry is known for anti-viral properties and when used against another corona virus NL63, it was effective. Ingredients * 3 1/2 cups of water
*2/3 cup black elderberries (dried or 1/3 cups fresh) *2 TBSP ginger grated *1 tsp cinnamon *1/2 tsp ground cloves *1 cup raw honey
Pour the water into a medium sauce pan and add the elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour. Remove from the heat and let cool until it's cool enough to be handled. Mash the berries carefully using a spoon or another flat utensil. Pour through a strainer into a glass jar or bowl. Discard the elderberries and let the liquid cool to lukewarm. Add the honey in and stir well. Store in a cool spot, like your refrigerator up to 3 weeks. Of course, if you are sick or your children are sick, stay home and get well. Please let us know if you need any extra care these next few weeks as this virus continues to unfold. With love, Dr. Elizabeth Sordyl 417 East Street Healdsburg, Ca 95448