Chocolate hemp coconut smoothie

Chocolate hemp coconut smoothie
Hi! As some of you know, I've been suggesting detox drinks that are easy and fun to drink. Here's one of my favorites: Ingredients: 1-2 tablespoon cacao powder (aids in weight loss, mood enhancer, promotes a healthy heart) 1 banana (lowers blood pressure, combats depression) 2 teaspoon hemp seeds ( reduces inflammation) or chia seeds (5xs calcium than milk, improves blood sugar levels) 1 cup of coconut water (keeps you hydrated) 1 teaspoon Maca powder (reduces adrenal stress, improves bone mass, improves memory) Handful of ice and blend all together in a vitamix or blender. We are open today until 11:30am and Dr. Shea would love to see you. We will be closed this afternoon until I return on July 23-25th. Please call Daissy to schedule with me. Gratefully, Team Just Breathe Chiropractic 14583 Big Basin Way, Suite 3a Saratoga, CA 95070 T: 408.867.3407 Web: