It’s a BOY!

It’s a BOY!
Hi all! Rob and I would like to announce our new addition to our little family. Our beautiful baby boy was born at home with a local midwife and team. Our hearts are exploding with so much love for our little man. He is opening are hearts even more with his cuteness, presence and calmness. Everything went smoothly during the birth and when he arrived, we have never felt such awe and wonder of the human body. This weeks hours are: Monday: 3-6:30pm Wednesday: 9-11:30am & closed pm Friday: closed Dr. Shea will leaving for her maternity leave on Wednesday and if you have appointments Wednesday evening or Friday morning, Daissy will be rescheduling you all when I return on Monday, July 23rd. Thank you for all the love and support during both of our pregnancies. With love, Dr. Elizabeth, Dr. Shea and Daissy