More ease please...
More ease | Breathe in, breathe out please Hi all! This week has been another intense week and I'm ready to help you all to be more...

Stress hormones
Stress hormones | Just Breathe Hi all, As you already know, stress hormones shut down the immune system. We've all been under such...

The Month of February
A healthy spine leads to a healthy mind. NSA, also known as Network Chiropractic is a gentle type of spinal care that supports people in...

Open today 10-11am
Open today 10-11am Hi all, In a world where we look externally for all the answers and for validation of our self-worth, when you be...

What is Hemp Oil for? | Just Breathe Chiropractic
We have new Prime My Body Hemp oil in the office. There are two different sizes: 10ml and 50ml sizes. It's a powerful serum that can...

Making Progress in Life | Just Breathe
Hi! NSA, also known as Network Chiropractic, is an extraordinarily unique and cutting edge gentle type of spinal care that supports...

We're Open Today | Just Breathe
Hi! When you're stressed out, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, fearful or in pain and nothing seems to be working, it's time to...

Yoga Tuesday | 10am - 11am | Just Breathe
Hi! Please join us for a restorative yoga class Tuesday with our certified yoga instructor, Shawn McSweeney from Barcelona, Spain. At...

How do we keep up with self-care | Just Breathe
Hi! Who are we kidding? There are many more life stresses today than there were 30 years ago. And then add on any financial pressures,...

BLOG: You want results now...
You want results now... Hi all- The nervous system is our filter- the lens through which we perceive the world. Similar to a vacuum,...