What is your relationship with pain?
What is your relationship with pain? Imagine your day from consistently undefended, open minded point of you, where you can see more...

Upgrade your stress...
Hi. When you discover what’s really going on on the inside, how stress has made you disconnect from your life, run from challenging...

Grow, learn, and evolve @ Just Breathe Chiropractic
The nervous system is our filter~ the lens through which we perceive the world. Similar to a vacuum, if overloaded, it's unable to take...

Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday! Hi all, How does NSA (Network Spinal Analysis) work? NSA works with your spine and central nervous system (brain and...

Ho! Ho! Holiday party/Open House Monday!
Join Us this Monday, 6-7:30pm for our Open House/Christmas Party It's time to celebrate you and all that you have inspired me this past...

What are you grateful for?
Hi! How does NSA (Network Spinal Analalysis) really work? Imagine your day from consistently undefended, open-minded point of you, where...

What is Hemp Oil for? | Just Breathe Chiropractic
We have new Prime My Body Hemp oil in the office. There are two different sizes: 10ml and 50ml sizes. It's a powerful serum that can...

Making Progress in Life | Just Breathe
Hi! NSA, also known as Network Chiropractic, is an extraordinarily unique and cutting edge gentle type of spinal care that supports...

We're Open Today | Just Breathe
Hi! When you're stressed out, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, fearful or in pain and nothing seems to be working, it's time to...

Yoga Tuesday | 10am - 11am | Just Breathe
Hi! Please join us for a restorative yoga class Tuesday with our certified yoga instructor, Shawn McSweeney from Barcelona, Spain. At...